Permian Basin AHEC

Service Area

The Permian Basin Area Health Education Center (AHEC) is one of six Centers in the West Texas area. Permian Basin AHEC provides services to twenty-seven counties in the Permian Basin and the Concho Valley through education and development of the health care workforce.

Permian Basin AHEC serves twenty-seven counties which include the following counties:

Andrews, Borden, Crane, Crockett, Coke, Dawson, Ector, Gaines, Glasscock, Howard, Irion, Loving, Martin, Midland, Mitchell, Pecos, Reagan, Reeves, Schleicher, Scurry, Sterling, Sutton, Tom Green, Terrell, Upton, Ward and Winkler.

Texas AHEC map

Our Mission

To address the health care provider shortage and improve health care access in the Permian Basin and the Concho Valley through education and development of the health care workforce.


  • Introduce secondary education students to health careers
  • Provide clinical training in rural and underserved communities for students pursuing a health profession
  • Support health care providers and organizations with continued education, recruiting assistance, and other activities
  • Promote healthy living in our communities and beyond


Making Rural West Texas Healthier


Permian Basin AHEC introduces students, to career opportunities in health care as well as provides information on a variety of health-related topics. The program strives to motivate young people in rural and under-served areas to choose a career in the health care field.

For information on health care careers go to the Texas H.O.T. (Health Opportunities in Texas) Jobs website, below.

Texas H.O.T. Jobs

Our Programs

AHEC Scholars Program

begins September 1st

AHEC Scholars is a program for undergraduate and graduate health professions students interested in enhancing their education and experiences beyond the classroom.

Permian Basin AHEC will award scholars up to $800 per year, for committing to participate in the AHEC Scholars Program.

This program consists of a 40-hour online/at your own pace didactic, as well as a 40-hour clinical observation in a rural or underserved setting.

More about AHEC Scholars (pdf)

Approved Disciplines

Seeking students in their last 1-2 years of a professional program listed in the link below. Reach out to Bianca Gray, for more information.

AHEC Approved Disciplines (pdf)


AHEC Junior Scholars

AHEC Junior Scholars consists of high school students who are interested in the healthcare field. This program provides the students with information about health careers, and offers training experience through clinical experiences, and observations. In addition, AHEC partners with high school health science programs to provide necessary supplies and equipment that enables the programs to successfully train their students to be workforce ready.




Katie Miller
Center Director
(432) 685-4795

Bianca Gray
Community Based Educator
(432) 685-4797

Liliana Orcutt 
Secretary/Community Liaison
(432) 685-4794


Technology Center
Room 140


PBAHEC studebts on hospital tour

PBAHEC students on hospital tour

Apply to MC Now

Thank you for choosing Midland College! If you are here to collect a few credits, take courses to transfer, or here to start a new career, we welcome you.

How to Apply