Engineering Club

The purpose of the Midland College Engineering Club is to provide social opportunities to pre-engineering students while promoting academic support and excellence.

The Engineering Club also provides networking opportunities to pre-engineering students with members of the community and universities.


Design and Development of Engineering Club Project  Engineering Club Projects In the Field  Presenting Results of Club Projects



Regular Fall & Spring semesters

Mondays and Wednesdays @ 5:30 pm

Where: Room 145 of the Abell-Hanger Science Faculty Building (The Physics Lab)

You never know how far Engineering Club interests and activities will take you. For example, Nicholas Mastroianna's award-winning Research Poster on what he learned from the MC Engineering Club's Submersible Sensor System project, at a recent LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) competition.

Nicholas Mastroianna's award-winning research poster on MC Engineering Club's sensor system project.

There was conception, design and manufacturing, to begin with. Then there was the initial pool test of a sensor pod housing for the submersible sensor system developed by the Midland College Engineering Club for the MC Marine Science Research Team.

Pool test of sensor pod housing for submersible sensor system project.


Tests displayed the approximate neutral (though slightly negative) buoyancy of the housing.

Sensor systems will eventually be used to measure water quality parameters of fresh and marine water environments.

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