Congratulations to Midland College (MC) Fasken Learning Resource Director Howard Marks
upon his admission into the highly-competitive Texas Accelerated Library Leaders Institute,
more popularly known as the TALL Texans Leadership Institute.
For twenty-six years, only the best of the rising Texas library leaders have been
selected for this rigorous but transformational program. Librarians return to their
institutions with deeper understanding of leadership theories and practices, communication
skills and strategic planning.
“We are extremely proud of Howard’s accomplishments,” said MC President Dr. Steve
Thomas. “He has only been at Midland College for about nine months, but he has already
made huge efforts to transform our campus library. Howard has instituted community
and student lecture events as well as chamber music performances in the library.
In addition, he was instrumental in securing the Texas Liberators exhibit for the
second floor of the Fasken Learning Resource Center [campus library], which is currently
on display through May 1. Under Howard’s direction, we are also updating electrical
infrastructure in the library and replacing furniture to make the library more conducive
for today’s electronic equipment and student study groups.”
The TALL institute will take place at the Montserrat Retreat Center, located in the
town of Lake Dallas. The intensive curriculum covers professional issues from the
latest scholarly publications on leadership, taught in a practical and immediately
applicable way by Harvard University instructor Maureen Sullivan and recently retired
George Washington University Library Director Jack Siggins. Six mentors, all veteran
leaders from Texas libraries, provide additional instruction and support, including
incoming Texas Library Association President-Elect Christina Gola from the University
of Houston and Lisa Smith from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine, South
Central Region, as well as others from public and K-12 libraries.