Police Services


MCPD Services

  • Battery & Flat Tire Assistance
    If your car battery is dead or you have a flat tire, call and request assistance. Response time depends on what MCPD is doing at the time of your request, but every effort will be made to provide a speedy response. MCPD officers are not mechanics and will attempt to start your vehicle, but there is no guarantee of success.

  • Escorts
    Personal safety escorts are available on request

  • Lost & Found
    Lost and found is located in the MCPD and is available weekdays between 8 am and 5 pm. All unclaimed items are kept for 90 days and then disposed per State of Texas law in Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 18.17 (Disposition of Abandoned or Unclaimed Property). Clothing, food and drink containers are discarded. Data sensitive materials are destroyed if unclaimed.

Crime Prevention

The Midland College Police Department places a high priority on crime prevention. While it is impossible to prevent all crimes, MCPD believes that persons can be made aware of ways to reduce their chances of becoming victims. MCPD provides a wide range of services and educational programs designed to promote campus security and that aid in anticipating and minimizing potential dangers to the population and property of the College.

Anyone desiring information on crime prevention programs or related literature may contact the Midland College Police Department. Programs and information available from the department include, but are not limited to, new student orientation, new employee orientation, campus safety, personal safety, operation identification, property and home protection, RAD (Rape Aggression Defense) self defense class for women, sexual assault awareness/prevention, security surveys for residences and departments on campus and theft prevention.

Do you want to prevent crime but not sure know where to start?

Here are a few simple steps you can take right now to prevent crime and increase your safety.

  1. Keep belongings out of sight when you park your car. Remember, property thefts are the number one crime on college campuses, but many of these crimes can be averted when you eliminate temptation. Make sure to place valuables out of sight and thus out of the mind of a criminal. In addition, you should always roll up car windows, lock all doors and take your keys with you.

  2. Pre-program MCPD's number into your cell phone: (432) 685-4734. MCPD's goal is to provide a safe and secure environment for students, faculty, staff members and visitors. Never hesitate to report suspicious activity.

  3. The majority of crimes are crimes of opportunity in which victims lack general awareness. Sleeping in common areas around campus, such as the Student Center or the LRC, provides criminals an opportunity to take advantage of exhausted students.

Police Department

police department
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-4734
Ashley Borgstedte
ashley borgstedte
Chief of Police
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-6835
kevin brunner
Police Lieutenant
Police Department
Scharbauer Student Center, Room 136
(432) 685-6833

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Thank you for choosing Midland College! If you are here to collect a few credits, take courses to transfer, or here to start a new career, we welcome you.

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